Saturday, January 3, 2009

RSV answers and other stuff

A friend  of ours (and fellow Preemie Mommy), Jennifer pointed out this article.  MOST preemie parents already know all of this information.  But many of you have asked me questions about RSV and why Maryam has to have a shot every 4 weeks to help us prevent it.  This article should answer most, if not all of your questions.

PS, still no camera.  I'm thinking I'm going to run out tomorrow and buy an inexpensive one to get me through each day.  I have taken a picture of Maryam EVERYDAY of her life!  I'm not about to let not having a camera stop that record!  For now its cell phones, but I'd really like to get some pictures up here for you all. 

PPS, my blog designer is on vacation in Deleware for her sister Suzie's wedding.  I had to update my blog myself because still having a Christmas background was KILLING ME!  I'm sure when she gets back she'll design something beautiful and soothing.  She's RAD that way.  

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