Friday, October 12, 2007

House sitting

Last night when Brett got back from work he placed Maryam on his lap and this is the position that she put herself in! In this picture Brett is talking to Aunt Pami and Maryam is relaxing on daddy's leg and foot. At one point she tried to rest her head on his foot, but I wouldn't let her. Seriously, he had just gotten home from work, GROSS! But it sure is a cute picture!!!

Here is Maryam keeping Charlie's swing warm while Charlie's out globe trotting. Sorry it came out dark, but the sliding glass door is behind the swing, can't help it.
We got a call from Early Intervention yesterday. The teacher is coming out next week to start working with Maryam on her development of motor skills. I'll take lots and lots of notes so I know how to work with her once the teacher leaves!! If I can get a picture of Maryam sitting all by herself, I'll put it on here. She's doing WAY better! She can actually sit for like 15 seconds unassisted! Then Mr. Bishop walks by and she follows him and topples over in whichever direction her head goes! Its hysterical!
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