Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Frida Kahlo?

Our little painter at work. For any of you who have children with sensory issues you can imagine the shock I felt when I saw Maryam painting her own hand! I've made it a point to paint her hand and make a hand print every time she paints in hopes that it would desensitise her gag and retch reflex. Apparently it has worked!
Here Maryam is painting her own hand and then proceeding to put her own hand print on a piece of paper! She even goes through and pushes each finger down one by one. And the super crazy part is how much paint gets on the paint brush and her other hand. She doesn't ask me to wash it off or beg me to wipe her hands.
Here Maryam is showing off her painted hands. Now if only I could get her to open her eyes when she poses for the camera. Silly girl.

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